Picture by Noah Haggerty

GF improves in CDP climate rating

Due to its efforts on environmental management and improved transparency in reporting, GF's rating by CDP improved by two ranks in 2019.

GF reports on an annual basis to CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project) – an external organization, which runs the global disclosure system for companies, states, regions and cities to report on how they manage their environmental impacts. This includes, for example, the information on the energy consumption of and actions taken by the companies to reduce their CO2 footprint. Based on industry sector-specific disclosure (e.g. engineering industry), CDP also collects detailed information on the companies' management of water as well as their actions to preserve the world's forests. 

This data is then used by third parties, such as, for example

  • investors in their assessments of the companies 
  • customers in their selection of suppliers.

Improvement by two ranks

In the 2019 reporting cycle (based on the information covering activities from full-year 2018), GF was recognized for our improved disclosure and actions on the topic of Climate with a B-rating (Management level). As a result, GF ranked better than the European regional average and on the same level as the Powered Machinery sector average. Compared to the previous year, this was an improvement by two ranks. In the Water Security questionnaire, GF improved by one rank from B- to B.

How is GF optimizing its footprint?

Environmental management forms a core part of GF's sustainability program. As such, all GF production sites have dedicated targets and continuously work on putting in place measures to optimize GF's ecological footprint. Overall, in 2018, the achieved savings by the measures implemented at all GF locations around the world were equivalent to 1'200 tonnes CO2e. 

Discover more detailed information about activities of GF in the area of environmental management in the GF Sustainability Reports. The upcoming report will be published in the summer 2020.

17. February 2020

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