In 2024, GF commenced the development of its Sustainability Statement in accordance with the CSRD. Being a pilot statement, it predominantly adheres to the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards and the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) for climate disclosures, while only partially aligning with the ESRS requirements. This initiative represents an early adoption strategy aimed at conforming to the CSRD disclosure mandates. This pilot Sustainability Statement signifies a good initial step towards aligning with the CSRD reporting framework, with the goal of achieving full compliance by 2026.
GF is making significant progress towards its sustainability targets for 2025. Sales from products or solutions that deliver social or environmental benefits for GF’s customers reached 76%, exceeding the 74% target set for 2025. Additionally, Scope 1 and 2 CO2e emissions decreased by 50% compared with the 2019 baseline. GF’s safety performance also improved, achieving a low accident frequency rate (LTIFR = lost time injury frequency rate) of 6.5.